Porites is one of the most common and important coral genera with over 100 described species. Their growth forms range from encrusting to branching and columnar to submassive and massive. The massive block corals are often found on the outer reefs, where they act as huge bulwarks defying the concentrated force of the ocean waves and forming the foundation for the reefs. The branching growth forms are often found in sheltered lagoons right next to the mangroves. Their extensive thickets provide habitat for countless small animals and nocturnal creatures, such as the enchanting mandarin fish that come out to mate at dusk. Unfortunately, all this has not helped Porites to a significant distribution in reef aquaristics, because – their coloration is mostly beige-brown…
Porites sp. `digitat´
The branching Porites is an extremely hardy and grateful coral that thrives even under low light and high nutrient levels. It is ideal for low maintenance aquariums and nano tanks. In coral reefs, branching Porites species are often found in more sheltered locations, in lagoons or on the back reef, where they form large ‘monospecific stands’ due to their fast growth. These provide countless hiding places for various reef dwellers, nocturnal invertebrates, cryptic species or even the fabulous mandarin fish (Synchiropus splendidus), which is very popular in marine aquariums, see picture in gallery.
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This encrusting to massive Porites species is a little more demanding than its branching relative and requires a little more light.
It is light brown in normal light, but fluoresces strongly green-red in blue light.
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